Bonfire Red Internship

I interned for Bonfire Red during the summer of 2023 where I was fully immersed within their talented design team. I was able to see through the redesign of two websites — Ohio State Giving and Ohio State Alumni.

A project with Bonfire Red

Design concept for the Ohio State Giving site.

This was my concept out of the few that Bonfire Red and I designed and presented to the Ohio State Giving & Ohio State Alumni teams. I worked closely with my mentors during this internship to design this concept and am proud of this result, which was chosen by the client!

Although the concept above was initially chosen, below represents what was actually developed for both the giving site and the alumni site. I learned so much from working with Bonfire Red on these two projects and was honored to be a designer on this as a new Ohio State alum.

Thank you to Bonfire Red!

I can’t put into words how valuable this experience & working with this crew was to me.




Cazuela's Rebrand